editorial,commentary,3.5 inch disk T. Scannell EDITORIAL - "Small Disks, Big Problems" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 11Editorial commentary on 3.5 inch disks. communication,modem,purchase,consumer,insert S. Satchell "Dialing for Data" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 15Overview of the modem market with comparative charts: Stand-AloneModem (15 entries) and Board Mounted Modem (11). [Also, inserts "The Bell 212A Standard" and "Modem Technology Explained"]. review,Lotus 1-2-3,VisiCalc,Multiplan,insert P. Casella "A What-If Walk-Through" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 41Comparative review of Lotus 1-2-3 (by Lotus Development), Visi- Calc IV Version 2.0 (by Software Arts), and Multiplan Version 1.2(by Microsoft). [Also, insert "A Slow Season For Stand-Alone..."]communication,modem,tutorial,insert B. Wierzbicki "Modem Technology Explained" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 16Insert in "Dialing for Data" by S. Satchell, this article is a short tutorial on modems. communication,modem,tutorial,Bell 212A,standard,protocol,insert "The Bell 212A Standard" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 18Insert in "Dialing for Data" by S. Satchell, this article is a short tutorial on the Bell 212A protocol (standard) used in the modem industry. review,integrated,Symphony,Framework,DesQ,Jack2,VisiOn,insert M. Stern "Unite and Conquer" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 29Review of five integrated packages: Symphony, Framework, DesQ, VisiOn, and Jack2. [Also, inserts entitled "The Integrate Debate:A Users' Report" and "A Two-Sided Approach"]. integrated,business,effectiveness,users,insert S. Casey "The Integrate Debate: A Users' Report" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 38Insert in "Unite and Conquer" by M. Stern, this article examines the effectiveness of integrated software in the business environ-ment by asking what users think. integrated,application,environment,manager,business,insert S. Casey "A Two-Sided Approach" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 40Insert in "Unite and Conquer" by M. Stern, this article discusseshow integrated software can be divided into two basic groups: application managers and environment managers. review,10-Net,Fox,network,communication,LAN,insert M. Eorgoff "Fox Research's Local Link" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 43Review of 10-Net (by Fox Research Inc.), a local area network (LAN) package. [Also, inserts entitled "LANs On The Upswing" and"The Communications LAN Scape"]. LAN,network,communication,insert S. Casey "LANs On The Upswing" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 48Insert in "Fox Research's Local Link" by M. Eorgoff, this articleexamines the increasing interest and use of local area networks (LANs). LAN,network,communication,tutorial,ring,star,tree,insert S. Casey "The Communication LAN Scape" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 49Insert in "Fox Research's Local Link" by M. Eorgoff, this articleexplains the three basic LAN architectures: star, ring, and tree designs. review,DisplayWrite2,IBM,word processor,insert R. T. Marshak "IBM's DisplayWrite2" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 51Review of DisplayWrite2 word processor (by IBM). [Also, an insertentitled "DisplayWrite2: Not Necessarily the Wright Stuff"]. review,DisplayWrite2,IBM,word processor,insert R. T. Marshak "DisplayWrite2: Not Necessarily the Wright Stuff" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 53Insert in "IBM's DisplayWrite2" by the author, this article givesspecific examples of some of the "annoying problems" of IBM's DisplayWrite2 word processor. review,NCR Model 4,compatible T. Daneliuk "NCR Model 4 Personal Computer" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 57Review of the NCR Model 4 Personal Computer (by NCR Corp.), an IBM PC compatible. review,Daisywriter 2000,Computers International,printer,LQP G. Perrone "The Daisywriter 2000" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 63Review of the Daisywriter 2000 (by Computers International), a letter quality daisywheel printer. review,Corporate MBA,Context Management,integrated P. Casella "Corporate MBA" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 69Review of Corporate MBA (by Context Management Systems), an integrated spreadsheet-based package. review,Open Access,SPI,integrated,Software Products InternationalE. F. Heite "SPI's Open Access" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 73Review of Open Access (by Software Products International), an integrated software package. review,Omnifile,SSR,information manager,DBM D. L. Swearingen "SSR's Omnifile" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 77Review of Omnifile (by SSR Corp.), an information manager (DBM). review,DayFlo,information manager,DBM D. L. Swearingen "Manage-Minded DayFlo" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 85Review of DayFlo (by DayFlo Inc.), a database management package that works as an information manager. review,Electric Desk,Alpha,integrated E. W. Dove "Electric Desk" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 89Review of Electric Desk (by Alpha Software Corp.), an integrated software package. review,ASAP Five,DBM,insert R. Geist and H. Geist "ASAP Five" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 93Review of ASAP Five (by ASAP Systems Inc.), a database managementprogram. [Also, an insert entitled "Product Update: ASAP Five Plus One"]. review,ASAP Five,update,ASAP Six,DBM,insert K. Evans-Correia "Product Update: ASAP Five Plus One" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 94Insert in "ASAP Five" by R. Geist and H. Geist, this article pro-vides information on ASAP Six, the updated version of ASAP Five (by ASAP Systems Inc.). review,ZyIndex,ZyLab,information,retrieval,DBM,text B. Camenker "ZyLab's ZyIndex" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 97Review of ZyIndex (by ZyLab Corp.), a text-oriented data re- trieval system. review,Sidekick,Borland,notepad,utility R. White "Borland International's Sidekick" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 101Review of Sidekick (by Borland International), a notepad utility. review,NumberCruncher III,Pyramid Data,software,development,tool S. Hirasuna "NumberCruncher III" PC Prod 84/10 Oct v.1 no.4 108Review of NumberCruncher III (by Pyramid Data Ltd.), a software development tool that lets users create spreadsheets, word pro- cessors, etc. editorial,commentary,IBM,AT&T,future,forecast T. Scannell EDITORIAL - "For Whom the Sell Tolls" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 13Editorial commentary on IBM and AT&T. plotter,pen,graphics,purchase,consumer,insert K. Phillips "Drawing the Line" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 23Overview of the pen plotter market with a comparative charts (13 entries). [Also, inserts "Installing a Plotter....", "A PlottingPrimer....", and "Plotters Experiencing Stong Market Growth"]. plotter,pen,graphics,install,do-it-yourself,insert K. Phillips "Installing a Plotter: Be Prepared for Complications" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 26Insert in "Drawing the Line" by the author, this article dis- cusses some of the things to remember when installing a plotter to your PC. plotter,graphics,tutorial,primer,insert K. Evans-Correia "A Plotting Primer: All Plotters Are Not Alike" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 28Insert in "Drawing the Line" by K. Phillips, this article describes the various plotters currently available and gives someof the advantages and disadvantages. plotter,graphics,market,business,growth,future,forecast,insert K. Evans-Correia "Plotters Experiencing Strong Market Growth" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 31Insert in "Drawing the Line" by K. Phillips, this article dis- cusses recent growth in the plotter market. review,Compaq,Deskpro Model 4,compatible,insert T. Daneliuk "Compaq's Deskpro Model 4 Personal Computer" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 33Review of Deskpro Model 4 (by Compaq Computer Corp.), an IBM PC compatible. [Also, an insert entitled "Tape: A Viable TechnologyFacing Tough Competition"]. tape,backup,hard disk,forecast,future,market,insert K. Evans-Correia "Tape: A Viable Technology Facing Tough Competition" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 34Insert in "Compaq's Deskpro Model 4 Personal Computer" by T. Daneliuk, this article discusses the four types of backup media and speculates on the future of tape backup. spreadsheet,market,integrated,stand-alone,sales,insert "A Slow Season For Stand-Alone Spreadsheets" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 42Insert in "A What-If Walk-Through" by P. Casella, this article discusses how integrated software packages have cut into the sales of stand-alone spreadsheet programs. review,LaserJet,printer,Hewlett-Packard,HP C. Bailey "Hewlett-Packard LaserJet" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 49Review of the LaserJet Printer (by Hewlett-Packard Co.). review,STM Portable PC,Semi-Tech Microelectronics,compatible E. W. Meyer "STM Portable Personal Computer" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 55Review of the STM Portable Personal Computer (by Semi-Tech Microelectronics Corp.), an IBM PC compatible portable. review,dBASE III,Ashton-Tate,DBM S. W. Bryan "Ashton-Tate's dBASE III" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 63Review of dBASE III (by Ashton-Tate). review,Spotlight,Software Arts,notepad,organizer,utility M. Stern "Spotlight" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 71Review of Spotlight (by Software Arts Inc.), a desk manager and productivity tool (appointment book, calculator, notepad, etc.). review,Please,Hayes,DBM P. Taylor "Hayes' Please Data Management System" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 79Review of Please (by Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc.), a data management program. review,PFS:Plan,Software Publishing,spreadsheet G. Perrone "Software Publishing's PFS:Plan" PC Prod 84/11 Nov v.1 no.5 81Review of PFS:Plan (by Software Publishing Corp.), a spreadsheet program. editorial,commentary,obsolescence,used computer T. Scannell EDITORIAL - "Something Old, Something New" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 13Editorial commentary on computer obsolescence (".....when users suddenly realize.....the systems in which they invested thousandsof dollars a few months ago.....not the state of the art today").review,Data General/One,lap,portable,compatible,insert M. Williamson "Data General's One for the Road" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 21Review of the Data General/One lap-size portable. [Also, inserts"One's First Impressions...", "Liquid Crystal Displays...", "The Data General/One and...", and "One's Printer Makes Its Own....."]Data General/One,lap,portable,compatible,Boston,club,insert "One's First Impressions - From Many" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 22Insert in "Data General's One for the Road" by M. Williamson, this article presents comments by people who attended a Boston Computer Society meeting where the Data General/One was shown. liquid crystal display,LCD,tutorial,insert T. Scannell "Liquid Crystal Displays: Not Always Crystal Clear" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 24Insert in "Data General's One for the Road" by M. Williamson, this article is a short tutorial on liquid crystal displays, and the disadvantages of them. Data General/One,lap,portable,printer,thermal,insert M. Williamson "One's Printer Makes Its Own Impact" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 26Insert in "Data General's One for the Road" by the author, this article is a review of the thermal printer that comes (optional) with the Data General/One lap-sized portable. Data General/One,Hewlett-Packard,HP 110,lap,portable,insert M. Williamson "The Data General/One and Hewlett-Packard's Portable: Full.......PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 28..Functionality vs. True Portability". Insert in "Data General'sOne for the Road" by the author, this is a comparative review of the Data General/One & Hewlett-Packard HP 110 lap-sized portablestransportable,compatible,purchase,consumer,insert E. F. Heite "Picking Up on Transportables" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 35Overview of transportable (i.e., portable) computers. [Also, inserts entitled "Transportables vs. Portables: A Fight for Mar- ket Share" and "Picking Portables: Price the Deciding Factor"]. transportable,compatible,market,future,forecast,insert K. Evans-Correia "Transportables vs. Portables: A Fight for Market Share" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 38Insert in "Picking Up on Transportables" by E. F. Heite, this ar-ticle discusses the differences between truly transportable com- puters and portables, and some comments on the future market. transportable,compatible,price,market,purchase,consumer,insert K. Evans-Correia "Picking Portables: Price the Deciding Factor" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 40Insert in "Picking Up on Transportables" by E. F. Heite, this ar-ticle discusses the fact that transportable (i.e., portable) com-puters continue to sell because they are cheaper than the IBM PC.review,daisywheel,LQP,printer,C. Itoh,Qume,Silver-Reed,NEC,insertT. Daneliuk "Daisywheels by the Letter" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 47Comparative review of daisywheel printers: C. Itoh F10-55, Qume Sprint 11/55 Plus, Silver-Reed Exp 770, and NEC Spinwriter 3550. [Also, an insert "Type Dancing: The Daisywheel Difference"]. daisywheel,LQP,printer,dot-matrix,insert B. Wierzbicki "Type Dancing: The Daisywheel Difference" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 48Insert in "Daisywheels by the Letter" by T. Daneliuk, this arti- cle discusses letter quality vs. dot-matrix printers needs. review,window,VisiOn,Symphony,Microsoft Word,insert J. D. Halamka "Window Shopping" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 57Review of three products that make extensive use of windowing: VisiOn, Symphony, and Microsoft Word. [Also, inserts "Windows: A Users' View" and "Windows Not a Clear Solution, Analysts Say"].window,VisiOn,DesQ,Framework,insert "Windows: A Users' View" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 58Insert in "Window Shopping" by J. D. Halamka, this article pre- sents opinions by corporate executives on window software: VisiOn, DesQ, and Framework. window,industry analyst,market,forecast,future,insert S. Casey "Windows Not a Clear Solution, Analysts Say" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 64Insert in "Window Shopping" by J. D. Halamka, this article pre- sents opinions by industry analysts on windowing software ("...premature at best, or completely off the mark at worst"). review,hard disk,Qubie T. Daneliuk "Qubie' Internal Hard Disk" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 75Review of the Qubie 10 MB hard disk drive. review,MultiLink,Software Link,multiuser,multitask E. W. Dove "Software Link's MultiLink" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 81Review of MultiLink (by Software Link Inc.), a system that operates between user applications and DOS to provide a multiusermultitasking environment. review,EasyLink Instant Mail Manager,Western Union,communication T. Scannell "EasyLink Instant Mail Manager" PC Prod 84/12 Dec v.1 no.6 89Review of EasyLink Instant Mail Manager (by Western Union Tele- graph Co.), a communication package designed to work with WesternUnion's EasyLink service. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\